Molly | Brooks Creative Studio

Aug 5, 2020

Are You Ready for Custom Branding?

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

How do you know if you’re ready for custom branding? Branding is an investment and in those early stages of your business, you might not be ready quite yet. But here are a few signs that you are:

  1. You’re clear on who your business serves and what problem you solve for them. You probably aren’t clear on how to convey that through visuals and/or messaging, but you do know what you’re offering and who it’s for. (Our brand strategy sessions help solidify the direction of your visuals and messaging so you can get that clarity.)

  2. You DIYed your brand and/or website and you’ve outgrown it. DIYing (or purchasing a premade logo/website template like our Brand Kits) is great in the beginning stages of your business, but at some point, you’ll outgrow it as your business grows. You’ll want to stand out with a professionally-designed, strategic brand and website that doesn’t look like anyone else’s.

  3. Your business has been growing for a while, but you feel like your growth is starting to level off. A custom brand helps you take your business to the next level and establish cult-like brand loyalty — so your revenue can continue to grow each year.

  4. Your brand feels misaligned with you, your values, or your audience. If you’re a conscious business, you created your business to stand for something. Your branding and messaging should convey that, but if it doesn’t, it might be time for custom services.

  5. You don’t feel excited to put your business out there into the world. Posting on Instagram or telling people about your business feels hard, because your aesthetics and website just don’t match the level of quality and professionalism you provide in your services or products.

Do any of these resonate with you? Bookmark this post for check-ins with yourself — so you’ll know when you’re ready for this next step in your business. Strategic branding can change your business from the inside out, but we also believe it’s important to think through if you’re ready for it or not.

Want to learn more about the strategic branding services we offer? View all of our service offerings here.